Text & SEO
Data Generator
Encoder / Decoder
Converter Tools
HTML Tools
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Simple In-Browser Web Tools
Text & SEO Tools
Text Case Converter
Uppercase, lowercase, sentence, title, alternative, inverse, reverse, capitalize and many more case.
Character/Word Counter
Word Count Checker - words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, white-spaces, pages counter tool.
Keyword Density Checker
Online SEO keyword density checker or keyword analysis tool.
Word/Text to HTML Converter
Online Word/Text to HTML converter and visual HTML editor. Convert and cleanup generated HTML tags using HTML escapes or unescapes options.
HTML Escape/Unescape/Strip Tags
Online HTML data processing tool. Use escapeHtml, unescapeHtml, stripTags, replaceAll, latinise, Remove Empty Lines, Remove Extra Spaces
Email / URL Extractor
Extract e-mail/web/URL addresses from any content. Just copy, paste and start extracting with sort, group, separate, filter, download options
Word Frequency Counter
Simplest word frequency calculator SEO Tool
Image Tools
Image to Base64 Converter
Converts any image into a BASE64 string which ready to use as a Image Tag, HTML and CSS.
Base64 to Image Decoder
Simple browser-based utility for convert or decode any BASE64 string to Image, Preview and Download converted image.
Online Photo/Image Editor
Free and full featured browser-based photo or image editor for photo manipulation, integration, filter.
Online Image/Photo Cropper
Online simple and quick browser-based photo or image cropper editor for photo Crop, Flip, Rotation, Zoom, Move, Download.
Signature Drawing Board
Draw your digital signature using your finger, mouse from any device (mobile phones, tablets, computers, laptops) and download.
Picture Quotes Maker
Make your picture quote and share on social media
HTML Tools
Compress / Minify HTML Code
Uppercase, lowercase, sentence, title, alternative, inverse, reverse, capitalize and many more case.
Uncompress / Unminify HTML Code
Make compressed/optimized HTML code readable by adding line breaks.
Email HTML Mailto Code Generator
Online e-mail HTML mailto code generator and ready to use in you code.
Pop-up HTML Code Generator
Create your javascript pop-up window code and use in your code.
HTML List Generator
Generate ordered or unordered HTML lists code from text.
HTML Table Generator
Generate your HTML <table> on the fly.
URLs to HTML Hyperlinks
Convert URLs to HTML hyperlinks Online Tool.
Alphabetize List
Put your list into alphabetical order with lots of options.
Remove Line or Paragraphs Breaks
Remove all abnormally inserted line breaks from your content
Removal Duplicate Lines
Remove duplicate lines from your text content.
CSV to HTML Table Converter
Upload your CSV file to Show Tabular your data in-browser.
HTML Escape/Unescape/Strip Tags
Online HTML data processing tool. Use escapeHtml, unescapeHtml, stripTags, replaceAll, latinise, Remove Empty Lines, Remove Extra Spaces
Dummy or Fake Data Generator Tools
Custom Mock Data Generator
Generate test data and export to CSV, JSON, Array, Object, XML and SQL Script for help developers and testers.
Lorem Ipsum Generator
Generate lorem ipsum in words, sentences, paragraphs, text and HTML and use in publishing, graphic design and software as a dummy text.
Real Content Generator
Generate Real Content in English, German and France and use in publishing, graphic design and software as a dummy text.
E-mail Address Generator
Generate list of random, safe, free and company domain email along with person name.
Credit Card Generator
Generate Fake Credit Card information with Card Name, Holder name, CC Numbers, CCV, Expire Date.
Strong Password Generator
Generate secure and strong random password automatically or according to your custom password policy with combination of uppercase, lowercase, number, special character etc.
Random Number Generator
Generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random integers entering minimum and maximum for the range and the number of random numbers.
Encoder / Decoder
Base64 Encode
Encode your text to Base64 string.
Base64 Decode
Convert your Base64 data to readable text.
URL Encoder & Decoder
Encodes/Decodes a text for conforms to the the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Specification.
Morse Code Translator
Convert String to Morse Code and Morse Code to String online tool. Encode and decode Morse code of english text (
letters, numbers and punctuation
(allowed punctuation
.,?!-/@() space
Password Hash Generator
Computes a digest from a string using different algorithms such as Md5, Sha1, Sha256, Sha384, Sha512, Crc32, Crc32b, Gost, Whirlpool, Ripemd160, Crypt.
MD5 Hash Generator
Allows you to generate the MD5 hash of any string.
SHA1 Hash Generator
Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1) generated a hexadecimal number of 40 digits long.
SHA256 Hash Generator
SHA-256 algorithm generates an almost-unique, fixed size 256-bit hash.
SHA512 Hash Generator
Generate results in a 128-digit hexadecimal number.
Whirlpool Hash Generator
Generate a whirlpool 512-bit hash result.
RIPEMD160 Hash Generator
RIPEMD-160 is a 160-bit cryptographic hash function.
Crypt Hash Generator
Crypt will return a hashed string using the standard Unix DES-based algorithm.
Network Tools
My IP, Location, User Agent
Find your public IP address, visit location & user agent(UA)/browser information.
DNS Lookup Tool
DNS lookup/checker provides a report on DNS records for a specified domain or hostname. Record types root server, tld and nameserver etc.
IPv4 Network Calculator
IPv4 calculator generate network addresses, usable host ranges, subnet mask, minimum and maximum host IP, broadcast and many more.
IPv6 Network Calculator
IPv6 calculator provide variety of network information such as abbreviated, unabbreviated address, total IP, start & end host IP and many more.
Converter Tools
QR Code Generator
Generate & Download QR Code from plain text, URL, SMS, phone numbers, e-mail, vCard and pretty much any other alphanumeric data.
Barcode Generator
Online Barcode Generator and Download. Use to create CODE128, EAN, CODE39, ITF, MSI, Pharmacode and Codabar barcodes.
Text to Binary / Binary to Text Converter
Online tool for convert text to binary and binary to text. Binary translator.
Text to Hexadecimal (Hex) / Hex to Text Converter
Online hexadecimal converter. Convert Hexadecimal to text and vise-versa.
Text to ASCII Number / ASCII to Text (UTF-8) Converter
Convert any language text (Multibyte String or Unicode (UTF-8)) to ASCII number and ASCII to Text.
Text to Octal (Oct) / Octal to Text (UTF-8) Converter
Convert any language text (Multibyte String or Unicode (UTF-8)) to Octal number and Octal to plain Text.
Decimal to Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal (Hex) Converter
Convert your decimal number to binary, octal and hexadecimal number.
Binary to Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal (Hex) Converter
Convert your binary number to decimal, octal and hexadecimal number.
Octal to Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal (Hex) Converter
Convert your octal number to decimal, binary and hexadecimal number
Hexadecimal (Hex) to Binary, Decimal, Octal Converter
Convert your hexadecimal number to decimal, binary and octal number.
Serialize and Unserialize Online Tool
Convert serialized string, array, object, json, xml, http query to unserialized data (print_r, var_dump, var_export), serialized, json, xml, http query.
Date-Time Tools
Date Calculator (Add / Subtract)
Add or Subtract Date Calculator from a Start Date and any number of years, months, weeks or days.
Age Calculator / Date Difference
Determine the age or interval between two dates in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds and number of days left for your next birthday
Localized Current DateTime Formats
Display current date time in various localized formats.
Unix Timestamp to DateTime
Converts UNIX Timestamp (Seconds / Milliseconds ) in human readable date and time using various format and timezone.
Unit Converter
Length Unit Converter
Length Converter - support Metric, Imperial, Chinese and Large Distances/Unit of Measure in Astronomy.
Time Unit Converter
Convert time between Picosecond (ps), Nanosecond (ns), Microsecond (µs), Millisecond (ms), Second (s), Minute (min), Hour (h), Day (d), Week (wk), Month, Calendar Year, Decade, Century and vice versa
Temperature Unit Converter
Convert temperature between Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F), Kelvin (K), Rankine (°R), RĂ©aumur (°Re) and vice versa
Basic Math Calculator
Addition Calculator
Displays the sum of two numbers
Subtraction Calculator
Calculate subtraction of two numbers
Multiplication Calculator
Displays the product of two numbers
Division Calculator
Displays the quotient and remainder for the division operation
Math Square Calculator
Calculate square of any number and vise versa
Square Root Calculator
Find the square root of the number you enter.
Percentage Calculator
Calculate percentage of a given number
Profit Calculator
Find the profit for the given cost price and selling price
Simple Code Editors
Javascript Editor
HTML Editor
PHP Editor
CSS Editor
Python Editor
JSON Editor
JAVA Editor
Ruby Editor
SQL Editor
C/C++ Editor
Golang Editor
C# Editor
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Popular Tools
Text Case Converter
Keyword Density Checker
Serialize and Unserialize Tool
E-mail Address Generator
Password Hash Generator
URLs to HTML Hyperlinks
Word/Text to HTML Converter
Email / URL Extractor
Morse Code Translator
Custom Mock Data Generator
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