Tools List
- Home
Text & SEO Tools
- Text Case Converter
- Character/Word Counter
- Keyword Density Checker
- Word/Text to HTML Converter
- HTML Escape/Unescape/Strip Tags
- Email / URL Extractor
- Word Frequency Counter
Image Tools
- Image to Base64 Converter
- Base64 to Image Decoder
- Online Photo/Image Editor
- Online Image/Photo Cropper
- Signature Drawing Board
HTML Tools
- Compress / Minify HTML Code
- Uncompress / Unminify HTML Code
- Email HTML Mailto Code Generator
- Pop-up HTML Code Generator
- HTML List Generator
- HTML Table Generator
- URLs to HTML Hyperlinks
- Alphabetize List
- Remove Line or Paragraphs Breaks
- Removal Duplicate Lines
- CSV to HTML Table Converter
Data Generator Tools
- Custom Mock Data Generator
- Lorem Ipsum Generator
- Real Content Generator
- E-mail Address Generator
- Credit Card Generator
- Secure Password Generator
- Random Number Generator
Encoder / Decoder
- Base64 Encode
- Base64 Decode
- URL Encoder & Decoder
- Morse Code Translator
- Password Hash Generator
- MD5 Hash Generator
- SHA1 Hash Generator
- SHA256 Hash Generator
- SHA512 Hash Generator
- Whirlpool Hash Generator
- RIPEMD160 Hash Generator
- Crypt Hash Generator
Networking Tools
- My IP, Location, User Agent
- DNS Lookup Tool
- IPv4 Network Calculator
- IPv6 Network Calculator
Converter Tools
- QR Code Generator
- Barcode Generator
- Text to Binary / Binary to Text Converter
- Text to Hexadecimal (Hex) / Hex to Text Converter
- Text to ASCII Number / ASCII to Text (UTF-8) Converter
- Text to Octal (Oct) / Octal to Text (UTF-8) Converter
- Decimal to Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal (Hex) Converter
- Binary to Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal (Hex) Converter
- Octal to Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal (Hex) Converter
- Hexadecimal (Hex) to Binary, Decimal, Octal Converter
Date-Time Tools
- Date Calculator (Add / Subtract)
- Age Calculator / Date Difference
- Localized Current DateTime Formats
- Unix Timestamp to DateTime
Array, Object, JSON, XML Tools
- Serialize and Unserialize Online Tool
Unit Converter
- Length Unit Converter
- Temperature Unit Converter
- Time Unit Converter
Math Tools
- Math Square Calculator
- Square Root Calculator
- Percentage Calculator
- Profit Calculator
- Addition Calculator
- Subtraction Calculator
- Multiplication Calculator
- Division Calculator
Simple Ruby Editor Online
#!/usr/bin/ruby # Program to find the factorial of a number def fact(n) if n == 0 1 else n * fact(n-1) end end puts fact(ARGV[0].to_i) class Range def to_json(*a) { 'json_class' =>, # = 'Range' 'data' => [ first, last, exclude_end? ] }.to_json(*a) end end {:id => 34, :key => "value"} herDocs = [<<'FOO', <<BAR, <<-BAZ, <<-`EXEC`] #comment FOO #{literal} FOO BAR #{fact(10)} BAR BAZ indented BAZ echo hi EXEC puts herDocs
Simple Ruby Editor
Privacy of Users’ Data
At OnlineWebToolKit, we offer a variety of online tools, and we take the privacy of our users' data very seriously. With so many online scams, many people are concerned about their sensitive information being compromised when using online tools. However, our website provides a secure and safe tool that prevents hackers from accessing or intentionally sharing users' information with third parties. The text you input into our tool is only stored temporarily on the client side within your browser until the formatting process is complete. Once the results are displayed or you refresh or close the browser, your data is deleted from our site.